Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

do i waste too much time?

1. What do you think makes most people happy in their life?

I think what makes most people happy in their life is when they can have some time to relax, with nothing disturbing their mind, and everything they had in mind is about having fun. They could meet and get together with their family, friends, boy/girlfriend, and hangout where ever they like. Laughing makes them happy too, when they can release all of their happy feelings and forget all about unhappy thoughts.

2. Write about how you like to spend your spare time. Do you waste too much time?

Knowing that I'm in the 3rd grade of Junior High School now, it's just like I have hardly any spare time. It's terrible! Every single lesson has assignments/homeworks (the 's' letter means NOT ONLY ONE, oh damn SHEET hahaha) to do. But sometimes, I usually pretend that I have nothing to do with such sucks things from school (whoa, how rude hahaha) no quizes, no tests, and no boring essays to study and read! Then I'd ring my classmates and ask them to hangout! Oh and of course, they said yes, coz they're doing the same thing too hahaha.

Spending time with my friends is so fun, we can laugh over loud and ignore people who stare at us (because we're laughing TOO loud, heheh), we can make lots of jokes (funny jokes, UNfunny jokes, and also DIRTY jokes, ewww HAHAHA) (we do it (dirty jokes) only if we're too crazy over ourselves, really!) and lots of EXTRAORDINARY things.

Another way I used to do to spend my very-rare-spare-time, is by staying at home, watching DVDs, talking for HOURS with my friend on the phone, lying and realxing on my very comfortable bed, reading comics or books, browsing in the internet, or just sitting in front of my mirror and trying to make crazy hair styles or dumb expression with my (cute?) face! (get real, izzie! :P)

Ooh, I can do SO MANY SILLY THINGS in my spare time! And I know, I've wasted too much time by doing crazy and stupid and rare (?) things which other people (maybe) don't do! Yeah. I'm just too lazy to do the actual things I supposed to, like STUDYING? Studying Math, or maybe Physics, or maybe some other important lessons (hmm). I'm in the 3rd grade of 5 Junior High School! The Scary Final Exam is waiting for me, oh damn. But I'll let you know, I'm in the progress of my resolutions now, 2009 and 2nd semester's resolutions:

  1. Get great results in the final exam
  2. Pass the selection to get the scholarship to Singapore! (amin)
That is it. 2 important targets. Well, I still have lots of targets, but I don't think I should write it here. Wish me luck, guys :)

3 komentar:

  1. zatiiiiiii.....
    kadang emang binguung ya ngapain buat ngabisin waktu...

  2. oiya,jangan lupa komen di blog aku,n ikutin jugaaa okokok?

  3. iyah banget nies hahahaa tengs to visit yaaa, oyah nimbrung di chatbox aku dooong
